
1st Meet of INP YS Delegates.

On 23rd June, 2024 Google Meet hosted the first meeting of INP YS delegates. They represented 14 communities of the INP. The meeting was divided into three parts: opening prayer, input by the Youth Ministry Delegate of the Province and the planner of the year 2024. Fr. Austin Fernandes sdb, the Director of the INP Youth Services began meeting with a short prayer and welcomed the YS delegates. Fr. Ralin SDB, in his short and crisp presentation on the Youth Ministry and its expectations of YS, highlighted the following points: the Salesian Youth Ministry Core Team, the SYM Team, the SYM EP community, Four Regional Teams, Ministry Specific Teams and Local Youth Ministry Teams. He emphasised two important points in Youth Ministry: Building Teams (working together) and Collaboration with other teams (Commissions). . The Educative Pastoral Community becomes an essential part of our ministry. The community experience, the heart of the Salesian Educator and the Preventive System should guid

Character Formation Program.

A character formation program was conducted for Manpuri girls in Ratnagiri by Fr. Bernadino and Fr. Ronald on the 4th of June 2024. The girls participating in the program were studying in an Ursuline school in Orisa and had come to Ratnagiri to spend their holidays with the community of Ursuline sisters at Ratnagiri. The day began with a small ice breaker for the girls to get familiar with the salesians animators and to put them into the context of the program. The first session was taken by Fr. Bernadino who spoke to them about the art of Kinsuki and enlightened them about how we can turn our brokenness into something precious.  The second session resumed after a small break, which was animated by Fr. Ronald who spoke to them about giving our best in all that we do. The session consisted of fun games and enabling them to help each other to develop their gifts and talents. The celebration of the mass was held at 12:30 pm after which Theresa's lunch served for all. After lunch Fr. R

First Meet of the Province Youth Committee.

 On 17th June 2024, the Panjim Province had its first youth committee meeting via google meet. This meeting was led with a prayer for guidance and Mother Mary's assistance by Fr Austin Fernandes, with an insightful session on the seven pillar qualities led by Fr. Ronald and Fr. Austin further highlighted and spoke about responsibilities, and upcoming plans for the year ahead. Seven Pillars/Qualities for the Province Youth Committee: 1. At the Disposal of our Local Church: Being a helping hand to our local church.  2. Leadership: Emphasising the importance of guiding and inspiring the youth towards common goals of faith, community and service.  3. Commitment: Dedication to the mission and values of the movement.    4. Discipleship: Following and spreading the teachings of Christ in our everyday life.    5. Witnessing: Living as examples of faith, integrity, and compassion of Gospel Values.    6. Fellowship: Building a supportive community among committee members, people of other fai

Don Bosco Quepem Youth Meeting Report

  The Don Bosco Quepem Youth meeting was held on the 9th of June 2024 in the refractory in Pope John XXIII High school, Quepem, at 4.00 pm. The president of the group led meeting with a short prayer. At the very outset all the members gave short introduction of themselves. The meeting was addressed by Fr. Austin Fernandes SDB, director of the youth services of our province, who encouraged the youth to be leaders who envision a brighter and better tomorrow.  He talked about the following topics - The seven basic modules and the basic guidelines for youth groups, Methodology for sustainability and organization of the youth group, Criteria for the election of the coordinating committee and the roles of the coordinating committee.  Fr. Austin also listed and breifly walked us through the youth events to be held during the year 2024-2025. He encouraged us to have monthy meetings and shared some ideas on how to generate funds. The meeting was concluded at 5.30 pm with a short prayer and bles

Uniting for a Purpose: The Don Bosco Youth Paschers Reunion 2024

         The Don Bosco Youth Paschers recently convened for a memorable reunion from May 25th to May 26th, 2024, at the serene Don Bosco Animation Center in Benaulim. With a turnout of 46 enthusiastic Youth Paschers, and dedicated volunteers, the event aimed to strengthen bonds and plan ahead for the Youth Paschers Movement’s future endeavors for the year 2024-2025.   Under the capable guidance of Fr. Austin Fernandes, Director of Youth Services, the reunion unfolded seamlessly. The journey began with a heartfelt prayer led by Fr. Austin and the volunteers, setting a tone of reverence and togetherness. Participants were warmly welcomed, and the purpose of the gathering was clarified, paving the way for fruitful discussions.  The program included moments of spiritual reflections: such as praying of the Rosary, Adoration of the Holy Eucharist and fostering a sense of unity and devotion among paschers. The fellowship dinner was followed by engaging ice-breaking activities that broug