LAF program at Western Zone

 Leadership development programs are essential in nurturing the skills and capabilities necessary for individuals to excel in both personal and professional contexts. In line with this vision, the Youth Commission of Goa-Mumbai (INP and INB) organized a 'Leaders Animation and Formation Program' from August 31st to September 1st, 2024. The event was held at Don Bosco Matunga, aiming to equip young representatives with essential leadership skills.

The primary objectives of the workshop were to enhance participants' leadership abilities, focusing on areas such as interpersonal communication, team building, decision-making, and self-awareness. The event began at 8:00 AM with the Holy Eucharist, invoking God’s grace. This was followed by an inaugural address from Fr. Leon, who highlighted the importance of youth leadership across sectors and outlined the essential qualities required for success.

Throughout the program, participants were engaged in interactive sessions led by Fr. Leon, who spoke about the Salesian Youth Movement, and Fr. Dinesh, who focused on the core aspects of leadership. Two youth members from the INB, who had previously attended the Salesian Youth Synod, shared their experiences. In addition, various regional representatives presented their plans and activities, fostering a space for reflection and strategy development among the participants.

A highlight of the first day was a series of outdoor activities, expertly facilitated by Fr. Austin, which brought a wave of enthusiasm among the youth. Each activity carried significant lessons, blending fun with learning. In particular, the Mine and Missile game organized by Fr. Joyston and his team encouraged participants to collaborate, communicate non-verbally, and develop problem-solving strategies. It emphasized that the size of a problem is irrelevant compared to the patience and courage required to find a solution.

The evening concluded with an inspiring Good Night Talk by Fr. Vinod, Rector of the Provincial House community, who reminded the participants that they are proud members of the Salesian Family.

Day two began with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist by Fr. Austin at the Shrine Crypt. Following this, the group embarked on a well-organized trip to the Archdiocese Heritage Museum in Goregaon. This visit provided an enriching opportunity for the participants to gain insights into the history of Christianity in Mumbai, leaving everyone with a deeper understanding of their faith and heritage.

The program concluded with a commissioning ceremony and an expression of gratitude for the enriching experiences over the two-day workshop. The event not only equipped the youth with vital leadership skills but also deepened their connection to the Salesian mission.


By Diana Martin (Don Bosco Tuem Youth)


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