Youth Formation Program at Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel, Ambelim- Goa

On July 14, 2024, the inaugural mass for the Youth of Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel, Ambelim, was celebrated with great enthusiasm and joy. The ceremony began with a procession of members, each carrying a personalized Bible cutout, which they later stuck onto a world map, symbolizing their mission to spread the Good News globally.

Fr. Austin Fernandes SDB, the main celebrant, emphasized the importance of "practicing what we preach" in his homily, encouraging the youth to grow positively and evolve as a community. Fr. Camilo Dias, the chaplain of the chapel, co-celebrated the mass and distributed the Bible cutouts during the recessional hymn, signifying the start of their mission.

Following the Eucharistic Celebration, Fr. Austin conducted an engaging formation session, which included an icebreaker activity, group games, and action songs. He shared a powerful message, highlighting Pope Francis' words, "The Church needs you, your enthusiasm, your creativity, and the joy that is so characteristic of you!" He emphasized the importance of building strong relationships with each other and with God, especially during turbulent times.

The session concluded with a discussion on the planner and allotment of duties for upcoming activities. The event was a revitalizing experience, spent in prayer and fun, leaving a lasting impact on all who attended.

Swellan D'silva


  1. The content in the Bible is everlasting, good news. Blessings on those who spread its importance. May God give us the strength to spread this good news for the good of all His people and His glory. Each one of us has been sent to live a life according to His will. May we live by example, Amen


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