
Showing posts from September, 2024

Young at Heart - To Live, Love, Laugh

On August 6th, 2024, the Don Bosco Youth Paschers Movement organized the heartwarming event ‘Young at Heart’ at Divine Providence in Benaulim to celebrate Friendship Day. The program aimed to bridge the generational gap by fostering connections between the youth and the elderly residents, bringing joy, love, and companionship through a thoughtfully curated series of activities. The event commenced at 4:00 pm with a 30-minute Adoration session led by Ms. Tanya. This spiritual opening featured a reading from the Bible (John 2:1-12) about the Wedding at Cana, followed by a reflective discourse on the invaluable role of the elderly in our communities. The session was a serene and contemplative start, with personal prayers, petitions, and hymns enhancing the reflective atmosphere. Sister Elida then addressed the gathering, offering words of inspiration and sharing a poignant video on the life of St. Clara, which deepened the spiritual resonance of the occasion. The host for the evening, Ms.

Youth ministry of Young Salesians (TOT)

Don Bosco Youth Animation India recently organized an intensive three-day training program for young Salesians from six southern provinces: INB, INH, INT, INM, INK, and INP (Br. Jayson Fernandes and Fr. Austin Fernandes). The event, held from September 19th to 21st, 2024, at Don Bosco Provincial House in Matunga, Mumbai, brought together 19 young Salesians and three experienced animators for a comprehensive program aimed at strengthening their engagement in Youth Ministry. The program began with a Holy Mass celebrated at Don Bosco's Madona Shrine Crypt, officiated by Fr. Savio Silvera, sdb, the Provincial. In his homily, Fr. Silvera encouraged the participants to embrace the mission of the Youth Ministry with enthusiasm and dedication. Over the three days, different provinces took turns leading various aspects of the program, including games, songs, and prayers, fostering a collaborative and engaging atmosphere. Key sessions were facilitated by prominent Salesian leaders including

LAF program at Western Zone

 Leadership development programs are essential in nurturing the skills and capabilities necessary for individuals to excel in both personal and professional contexts. In line with this vision, the Youth Commission of Goa-Mumbai (INP and INB) organized a 'Leaders Animation and Formation Program' from August 31st to September 1st, 2024. The event was held at Don Bosco Matunga, aiming to equip young representatives with essential leadership skills. The primary objectives of the workshop were to enhance participants' leadership abilities, focusing on areas such as interpersonal communication, team building, decision-making, and self-awareness. The event began at 8:00 AM with the Holy Eucharist, invoking God’s grace. This was followed by an inaugural address from Fr. Leon, who highlighted the importance of youth leadership across sectors and outlined the essential qualities required for success. Throughout the program, participants were engaged in interactive sessions led by Fr.