Young at Heart - To Live, Love, Laugh

On August 6th, 2024, the Don Bosco Youth Paschers Movement organized the heartwarming event ‘Young at Heart’ at Divine Providence in Benaulim to celebrate Friendship Day. The program aimed to bridge the generational gap by fostering connections between the youth and the elderly residents, bringing joy, love, and companionship through a thoughtfully curated series of activities.

The event commenced at 4:00 pm with a 30-minute Adoration session led by Ms. Tanya. This spiritual opening featured a reading from the Bible (John 2:1-12) about the Wedding at Cana, followed by a reflective discourse on the invaluable role of the elderly in our communities. The session was a serene and contemplative start, with personal prayers, petitions, and hymns enhancing the reflective atmosphere. Sister Elida then addressed the gathering, offering words of inspiration and sharing a poignant video on the life of St. Clara, which deepened the spiritual resonance of the occasion.

The host for the evening, Ms. Andrea D’souza seamlessly transitioned the program into a more lively phase, beginning with a Song Session led by Mr. Samuel. This session infused the event with joy as participants enthusiastically joined in a sing-along, performing a delightful mix of Konkani and English songs. The atmosphere was filled with cheer as the elderly residents sang along, their spirits lifted by the music.

Following this, a game of Passing the Parcel was organized, much to the delight of the elderly participants who engaged in the fun with great enthusiasm. The Auxilium Youth then performed a vibrant dance, infusing the event with energy and excitement. The dance was warmly received, bringing broad smiles to the faces of all the residents.

Next, an interactive game challenged participants to guess songs from familiar tunes, sparking nostalgia and laughter. This engaging activity was a hit, evoking cherished memories among the residents. The highlight of the event was the personal interaction between the youth and the elderly. The young participants spent quality time with the residents, sharing stories, listening to their life experiences, and exchanging messages of love and encouragement through specially prepared cards. This exchange, crowned with the blessings of the elderly, was the soul of the event, fostering deep connections and mutual respect.

The event concluded with a cake-cutting ceremony, symbolizing the sweet bonds formed throughout the day. Prizes were distributed, and Mr. Vaylon delivered a heartfelt Vote of Thanks. As a gesture of gratitude, Mr. Jolton presented a Token of Appreciation to Superior Sr. Ana Britto, acknowledging the hospitality and support extended by Divine Providence. A final song and dance session encapsulated the joy and spirit of the day, with Fr. Austin offering closing remarks that emphasized the event’s success in bringing together different generations in a spirit of friendship and love.

In conclusion, Young at Heart was a profoundly successful and moving event that beautifully united different generations. The elderly residents were visibly touched by the affection and respect shown by the youth, leaving everyone with a sense of upliftment and belonging. The event not only celebrated Friendship Day but also underscored the importance of valuing and honoring our elders, reinforcing the timeless bond between the young and the old.


- Ms. Andrea D’souza


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