Youth ministry of Young Salesians (TOT)

Don Bosco Youth Animation India recently organized an intensive three-day training program for young Salesians from six southern provinces: INB, INH, INT, INM, INK, and INP (Br. Jayson Fernandes and Fr. Austin Fernandes). The event, held from September 19th to 21st, 2024, at Don Bosco Provincial House in Matunga, Mumbai, brought together 19 young Salesians and three experienced animators for a comprehensive program aimed at strengthening their engagement in Youth Ministry.

The program began with a Holy Mass celebrated at Don Bosco's Madona Shrine Crypt, officiated by Fr. Savio Silvera, sdb, the Provincial. In his homily, Fr. Silvera encouraged the participants to embrace the mission of the Youth Ministry with enthusiasm and dedication. Over the three days, different provinces took turns leading various aspects of the program, including games, songs, and prayers, fostering a collaborative and engaging atmosphere.

Key sessions were facilitated by prominent Salesian leaders including Fr. John Christy, sdb (INM), Fr. Joji Yeruva, sdb (INH), Fr. Patrick Lepcha, sdb (South Asia Delegate for Youth Ministry), and Mr. Peter Dass. The topics covered during the training were wide-ranging, addressing both the spiritual and practical aspects of Salesian work with young people.

The sessions delved into pressing topics such as:

- An overview of the current landscape of young people in India

- Fundamentals of Salesian Youth Ministry

- A refreshed look at Don Bosco’s teachings and their relevance today

- The dual mission of educating and evangelizing as part of the Salesian identity

- Synodal experiences in the Salesian Youth Ministry

- The Preventive System and its importance in fostering Salesian spirit and spirituality

- Accompanying young people through counselling, vocational direction, and volunteerism

- Leveraging social media for Youth Ministry

- Developing a mindset for planning and nurturing an Oratorian heart in youth outreach, particularly in the context of SYMSYNOD 2024

- Salesian Educative and Pastoral Project (SEPP) and understanding the four dimensions in various settings

- Orientation on the newly updated Youth Ministry documents

- Key traits and skills for Salesian Youth Ministers.

A highlight of the program was the evening musical event, "Dazzling Dusk," which featured performances by young people from INB Youth Services. The closing session, titled "Eco-Canticles," provided a meaningful reflection on the responsibility of caring for creation and safeguarding the future of our planet, offering a fitting conclusion to the enriching training experience.


- Fr. Austin Fernandes sdb


  1. Great job Don Bosco Youth

  2. God bless your good work. The most difficult task is to manage the flock


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