
Showing posts from August, 2024

Spiritual and Digital Retreat for the Christian Students

Date: 19th -23rd August 2024  Venue: Don Bosco Panjim College  The retreat for Christian students at Don Bosco College, Panjim was a spiritually enriching event held over five days. Fr. Jason and Fr. Austin guided the sessions, focusing on deepening the students' understanding and appreciation of their faith, particularly through the lens of the Holy Eucharist, Digital Evangelization, and the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Fr. Jason led the morning sessions, centering on the theme of the Holy Eucharist. His talks covered the importance of the Eucharist, the proper disposition one should have before receiving it, and its relevance in today's world. These sessions were designed to inspire and encourage students to reflect on their spiritual lives and the role of the Eucharist in their faith journey. In the second session, Fr. Austin spoke on the need for Digital Evangelization and the role of Christian young people in it. He emphasized the importance of spreading positivity on soc

Detox Sunday: A day without Technology

Date: 25th August 2024   Venue: Don Bosco Animation Centre, Benaulim On August 25th, 2024, Don Bosco Youth Services-INP organized the first-ever Detox Sunday, a day-long event from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Don Bosco Animation Centre in Benaulim, under the guidance of Fr. Austin Fernandes and splendid coordination by Miss Precious, Miss Larisha, and Miss Frina. The event saw the participation of around 25 members. The day began with registration at 9 a.m., followed by engaging icebreakers. Fr. Austin Fernandes then celebrated Mass and provided a brief introduction to the event. Participants were encouraged to go without their cell phones for the entire day, embracing the true spirit of detox. Fr. Edison led a thought-provoking session on the themes of Modern, Post-Modern, and Post-Truth eras, offering the youth much to reflect upon. The first half of the day concluded with a shared lunch. The afternoon featured a variety of activities, including board games like chess, Ludo, and Jenga, w

Social Media Detox: Crucial for Physical and Mental Health

Imagine waking up where your first thought isn’t checking your social media feeds and updates. For many individuals, scrolling through updates has become a part of their daily ritual, embedded in their lives. Recent studies have confirmed that individuals spend an average of 145 minutes daily - that's nearly 20 hours per week scrolling through these platforms. However, such extensive online engagement comes with significant drawbacks. In this digital age, lives of young and old are mediated through screens and stepping back could be crucial to improve our well-being, both physically and mentally. Firstly, the impact of social media on mental health is profound. Psychological studies and research has consistently linked unrestricted use of social media to increased levels of stress, anxiety, depression, mood swings, low self esteem and loneliness. The social media platforms are designed to stimulate addictive behaviour that perpetuates a cycle of unrealistic comparison where the use

Inauguration and Formation Program

On August 13th Inauguration and Formation session was conducted for the students of Don Bosco Vocational Training Institute, Quepem The main highlight was the importance of communication: intra communication, interpersonal communication and group communication. Fr. Austin sdb, the Director of the Youth Services shed light on the importance of communication, things to keep in mind and how to get better at communication. In the second part of the session focus was laid to work as a team and grow together.