Social Media Detox: Crucial for Physical and Mental Health

Imagine waking up where your first thought isn’t checking your social media feeds and updates. For many individuals, scrolling through updates has become a part of their daily ritual, embedded in their lives. Recent studies have confirmed that individuals spend an average of 145 minutes daily - that's nearly 20 hours per week scrolling through these platforms. However, such extensive online engagement comes with significant drawbacks. In this digital age, lives of young and old are mediated through screens and stepping back could be crucial to improve our well-being, both physically and mentally.

Firstly, the impact of social media on mental health is profound. Psychological studies and research has consistently linked unrestricted use of social media to increased levels of stress, anxiety, depression, mood swings, low self esteem and loneliness. The social media platforms are designed to stimulate addictive behaviour that perpetuates a cycle of unrealistic comparison where the users are bombarded with highlights and idealised portrayal of others’ lives. For this cycle can foster negative feelings of inadequacy, isolation, irritation, anxiety and also self-doubt within the users, further may impact their self-image. At the same time, the constant barrage of notifications and never ending cycle of updates contributes to the pressure to constantly remain engaged on a platform may lead to mental fatigue and burnout. A detox will help individuals to break this cycle, offering a change from the persistent pressure of online updates to nurture a more authentic self-perception as well as building genuine and fulfilling connections physically around themselves.

Added to that, social media negatively affects physical health in numerous ways. One of the primary concerns is the promotion of a sedentary lifestyle. The prolonged usage of the screen can lead to various physical ailments such as eye strain, poor posture, and improper sleep. The blue light emitted by smartphones can interfere with melatonin production, the hormone responsible for sleep. Therefore, the individual may suffer from insomnia and disturbed sleep patterns. This may in turn have a cascading effect on their overall health. Another primary issue is the sedentary lifestyle. Hyperconnectivity and long hours of scrolling through the feeds may contribute to lack of physical activity that can cause obesity, and cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, individuals may also experience dry eyes or blurred vision due to excessive screen time. A social media cleansing may help alleviate these effects, thereby encouraging healthier lifestyle habits including engaging in health promoting activities and improving sleep patterns.

A social media detox is an intentional abstinence from the social media platforms, either completely or temporarily, to reduce stress, distraction caused by constant online engagement. It is a bold step and takes a conscious effort to break out from the screen world. By taking a digital break, individuals can regain their focus, realign their priorities with the real world and thus boost productivity in personal, professional or academic settings. With time that is spent away from the screens, relieves them from the pressures of online validation and encourages them to engage in meaningful and engaging activities or relationships that may have been neglected so far. Time lost in doom scrolling could be spent to build new healthier habits or pick up a new hobby. Implementing such detox breaks for a few hours may help to maintain a healthier digital time. Moreover, it provides an opportunity to reconnect to the real world. It is like a reset button allowing one to focus and reconnect oneself to real world interactions and activities that have taken a backseat.

All in all, the key is finding the balance. A complete abandonment isn’t necessary, however, regular detox can help a person to maintain a healthier relationship and a balanced approach to technology, thus empowering them to live more intentionally and authentically . For we live in an era where our lives are dominated by screens, thus a social media detox is a crucial step to live a fulfilling and enriching life.

- Galicia Rodrigues 


Feeling overwhelmed with the constant buzz of the notifications, unrealistic comparisons of the digital life? It is time for a change! Don Bosco Youth Services presents Detox Sunday - a chance to step away from the screens and truly reconnect with yourselves and others around you. Hoping to see you for the upcoming detox sunday on 25 August 2024.

Stay connected with us on Instagram for more updates.


Hi, my name is Galicia Rodrigues. I’m an aspiring educator, learning and growing everyday. I love scribbling down my thoughts, exploring new places, and diving into a good book. I’m all about unleashing my creativity, connecting with others, discovering my potential, honing my skills — It’s one adventure at a time.


Calm Editorial Team. “Social Media Detox: 12 Ways to Scroll Less and Live More — Calm Blog.” Calm Blog, 14 Feb. 2024,,improveyouroverallhealth.

Chaffey, Dave. “Global Social Media Statistics Research Summary 2024 [May 2024].” Smart Insights, 12 June 2024,,social%20media%20is%202h%2020m.

“Does Social Media Make People Happier?” UCL Press eBooks, 2016, pp. 193–204.

Martínez, Nasha Addarich. “5 Reasons to Unplug From Social Media for Better Mental Health.” CNET, 23 May 2024,

Wong, Belle. “Top Social Media Statistics and Trends.” Forbes Advisor INDIA, 6 Feb. 2024,


  1. That's an real research and an eye opner. Great going.


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