Spiritual and Digital Retreat for the Christian Students

Date: 19th -23rd August 2024 

Venue: Don Bosco Panjim College 

The retreat for Christian students at Don Bosco College, Panjim was a spiritually enriching event held over five days. Fr. Jason and Fr. Austin guided the sessions, focusing on deepening the students' understanding and appreciation of their faith, particularly through the lens of the Holy Eucharist, Digital Evangelization, and the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Fr. Jason led the morning sessions, centering on the theme of the Holy Eucharist. His talks covered the importance of the Eucharist, the proper disposition one should have before receiving it, and its relevance in today's world. These sessions were designed to inspire and encourage students to reflect on their spiritual lives and the role of the Eucharist in their faith journey.

In the second session, Fr. Austin spoke on the need for Digital Evangelization and the role of Christian young people in it. He emphasized the importance of spreading positivity on social media and encouraged the students to integrate prayer and personal reflection into their online sharing. Fr. Austin highlighted that as young Christians, they have a unique opportunity and responsibility to use digital platforms to promote faith, hope, and love in a world often dominated by negative content.

The afternoon sessions were dedicated to spiritual practices, including Benediction and the administration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The young people were well-prepared for the sacrament, and Frs. Anthony, Jacinto, Jason, and Austin guided them in their quest to start anew. This session emphasized becoming mature Christians who are not ashamed of the Name of Jesus and the faith inherited from their elders. The sacrament provided the students with a profound opportunity for spiritual renewal, allowing them to embrace their faith with greater conviction.

The following deaprtments participated in the Spiritual and Digital Retreat:

First Year Bachelor of Physical Education (10), Second Year Bachelor of Physical Education (1), First Year Bachelor of Computer Applications (13), Second Year Bachelor of Computer Applications (15), Third Year Bachelor of Computer Applications (17), First Year Travel and Tourism (15), Second Year Travel and Tourism (23), Third Year Travel and Tourism (17), First Year Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication (17), Second Year Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication (17), Third Year Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication (9), First Year Bachelor of Business Administration (30), Second Year Bachelor of Business Administration (18), Third Year Bachelor of Business Administration (20), First Year Bachelor of Arts (17), Second Year Bachelor of Arts (6), First Year Bachelor of Commerce (13) and Second Year Bachelor of Commerce (11).

The retreat was a successful and spiritually uplifting experience for the Christian students of Don Bosco Panjim College. Despite some absences, those who attended actively participated in the sessions and activities, contributing to a reflective and communal atmosphere. The focus on the Holy Eucharist, Digital Evangelization, and the Sacrament of Reconciliation provided a profound opportunity for students to deepen their understanding and connection to their faith. The guidance of the priests in the Sacrament of Reconciliation was especially impactful, encouraging the young people to start anew as mature, committed Christians.

The positive response from participants suggests the retreat fulfilled its goal of spiritual renewal and growth, and it is recommended that similar retreats continue to be organized to nurture the spiritual life of the students.


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