DBYS-INP Leaders Meet Online: A Focus on Digital Evangelisation and Discipleship

On the 17th of July, the leaders of the Don Bosco Youth Services of the Panjim Province gathered online for a meeting that was both inspiring and strategic. The meeting kicked off with a warm welcome by Fr. Austin Fernandes, followed by a prayer led by Noah Rodrigues. This set the tone for a gathering that was both reflective and forward-looking.

 Vice Provincial Fr. Banzelao Teixeira took the stage next, acknowledging the presence of the leaders and engaging with the young participants. His message was clear and compelling: in today's world, the digital realm is not just a platform for social interaction but a powerful tool for spreading the gospel. He emphasized two key points:

 Digital Evangelisation: The need for a systematic and intentional presence on digital media to proclaim the gospel. This approach aims to encounter Christ and foster a sense of family, church, and the Salesian youth movement.

Digital Discipleship: Becoming content creators who use the internet to draw people closer to Christ. The ultimate goal, however, is to bridge the online-offline gap, bringing people together in person after connecting with them digitally.

 Fr. Austin Fernandes SDB then steered the conversation towards the upcoming Marian Month, encouraging the youth to think creatively about online activities that could be organized. This not only kept the spirits high but also showcased the importance of innovation in engaging with the faith community.

 He also shared updates on the LAF programme scheduled for August and the much-anticipated SYM Fest in December. These events promise to be exciting opportunities for the youth to come together, share their experiences, and grow in their faith journey.

 As the meeting drew to a close, there was a palpable sense of excitement and determination among the participants. The focus on leveraging digital platforms for evangelisation and discipleship highlighted the potential for reaching out to more people than ever before, breaking down geographical barriers and connecting hearts and minds across distances.

 Stay tuned for more updates.


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