First Meet of the Province Youth Committee.

 On 17th June 2024, the Panjim Province had its first youth committee meeting via google meet. This meeting was led with a prayer for guidance and Mother Mary's assistance by Fr Austin Fernandes, with an insightful session on the seven pillar qualities led by Fr. Ronald and Fr. Austin further highlighted and spoke about responsibilities, and upcoming plans for the year ahead.

Seven Pillars/Qualities for the Province Youth Committee:

1. At the Disposal of our Local Church: Being a helping hand to our local church. 

2. Leadership: Emphasising the importance of guiding and inspiring the youth towards common goals of faith, community and service. 

3. Commitment: Dedication to the mission and values of the movement.   

4. Discipleship: Following and spreading the teachings of Christ in our everyday life.   

5. Witnessing: Living as examples of faith, integrity, and compassion of Gospel Values.   

6. Fellowship: Building a supportive community among committee members, people of other faith and beyond.   

7. Empowering: Encouraging others to realise their potential and contribute actively and also being a motivator to the others.

   Each of these qualities serves as a foundation for the committee's initiatives and engagements throughout the year and ahead

Moving on, Fr. Austin stressed essential qualities for representatives, including effective communication, attentive listening skills, and humility in decision-making. Representatives were reminded of their roles not as individual leaders but as accountable members of a cohesive team.

The meeting highlighted key leadership roles within Don Bosco houses, including President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Regional Coordinator. Regional coordinators were designated for each area: Goa (2), Maharashtra (1), and Karnataka (1), reinforcing regional representation and collaboration.

Plan for the Year 2024 - 2025:

Fr. Austin outlined the committee's comprehensive plan for the upcoming year, featuring activities at the local and province levels. The year is fully engaged with a plethora of activities where the young can showcase their talents, participate and engage with others not only socially but also on a spiritual level.  

An innovative suggestion was to introduce a bulletin that showcases house-wise activities through photographs and write-ups or any other creative form. This initiative aims to document and celebrate the diverse activities and achievements across Don Bosco houses, promoting visibility and recognition within the community. The meeting concluded with a clear roadmap for the year, emphasizing collaboration, responsibility, and adherence to Don Bosco’s dream of turning wolves into lambs. A dream that makes you dream. 


Stay updated through our blog and newsletters for further details on upcoming activities and initiatives.


  1. It was lovely meeting you all.. let's bring Christ to all.

  2. A very good initiative..really appreciate the efforts taken for the same..All the very best...Let's all celebrate & live in Christ..

  3. Truly appreciate the efforts put in by each and everyone. God bless you all.


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