Character Formation Program.

A character formation program was conducted for Manpuri girls in Ratnagiri by Fr. Bernadino and Fr. Ronald on the 4th of June 2024. The girls participating in the program were studying in an Ursuline school in Orisa and had come to Ratnagiri to spend their holidays with the community of Ursuline sisters at Ratnagiri. The day began with a small ice breaker for the girls to get familiar with the salesians animators and to put them into the context of the program. The first session was taken by Fr. Bernadino who spoke to them about the art of Kinsuki and enlightened them about how we can turn our brokenness into something precious. 

The second session resumed after a small break, which was animated by Fr. Ronald who spoke to them about giving our best in all that we do. The session consisted of fun games and enabling them to help each other to develop their gifts and talents. The celebration of the mass was held at 12:30 pm after which Theresa's lunch served for all. After lunch Fr. Ronald conducted some fun games for the children that were very much appreciated by the children. The program ended at 04:00 pm with tea.


  1. Good initiative fr. Ronald and Fr. Bernerdino....god bless you both

  2. A very well thought & self excelling session for our sisters from will definitely help them overcome their shortcomings..


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