1st Meet of INP YS Delegates.

On 23rd June, 2024 Google Meet hosted the first meeting of INP YS delegates. They represented 14 communities of the INP.

The meeting was divided into three parts: opening prayer, input by the Youth Ministry Delegate of the Province and the planner of the year 2024.

Fr. Austin Fernandes sdb, the Director of the INP Youth Services began meeting with a short prayer and welcomed the YS delegates. Fr. Ralin SDB, in his short and crisp presentation on the Youth Ministry and its expectations of YS, highlighted the following points: the Salesian Youth Ministry Core Team, the SYM Team, the SYM EP community, Four Regional Teams, Ministry Specific Teams and Local Youth Ministry Teams. He emphasised two important points in Youth Ministry: Building Teams (working together) and Collaboration with other teams (Commissions).

The Educative Pastoral Community becomes an essential part of our ministry. The community experience, the heart of the Salesian Educator and the Preventive System should guide all our work. Together we need to plan, operate and volunteer. He also highlighted the initiatives of the congregation-Region. The SYNOD 2024, South Asia SYM Day, getting ourselves organised as SYM INP, Choices of Sectors/Settings and SYM at large are there to assist and not to co-exist. 

In the second part of the meeting, Fr. Austin: the Director of the YS INP briefed all the YS of the Province on the activities that are planned for the province, regions and local level. He asked the Local YS to form strong groups by giving them formative sessions based on scriptures, congregation and issues relevant to the youth of today.

The meeting ended with a vote of thanks and time to clarify doubts, raise concerns and share the updates of the local YS.


  1. All the best team. Let's together dream the dream of 9!


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